Has Your Condo/POA Banned Smoking?

Has Your Condo/POA Banned Smoking?

  • 03/29/22
Question: Do you know if Associations in Virginia have begun banning smoking using the new law?
Answer: Last year, I wrote an article about Virginia’s new law that allows Condo and Property Owners Associations to easily ban smoking inside units/homes via a new resolution to the rules and regulations, which generally requires a simple majority vote by the Board. Before this, Boards could ban smoking in common areas this way, but smoking bans within units/homes required a lengthy (multiple years), costly, and resource-intensive effort to get a 2/3+ vote from owners to change the by-laws.
I have heard from a couple of Condo Associations that have implemented this new law to ban smoking and I would love to hear from other readers, in the comments section or in email, who have either passed a new smoking ban resolution, are in the process of doing so, or have run into challenges trying.
Last year I spoke with attorney Michael C. Gartner ((703) 280-9267 or [email protected]), a Partner at Whiteford, Taylor, & Preston LLP and current President of the Community Associations Institute (CAI) Washington Metro Chapter, about the new law to make sure I was clear on the implications this has for Virginia condos and POA communities.
Mr. Gartner confirmed that the new law, effective July 1, 2021, does allow condo and POA Boards to ban smoking inside private residences with a simple majority vote of the Board. He also offered some helpful advice and caveats for any Boards/communities who plan to move forward with in-unit smoking bans:
  • In rare cases, some by-laws may specifically restrict a Board’s ability to make certain rule changes or require something other than a simple majority, so Boards should have an attorney review their by-laws before proceeding with a smoking ban

  • Smoking bans should be written as a compliant resolution through legal counsel, not as a simple motion

  • Enforcement is always a challenge for Boards (noise, trash, and other common rules always present enforcement challenges) and Boards may want to work with their legal counsel to establish compliant enforcement protocol

  • The new law includes a provision that allows owners to call a special meeting to vote and repeal a change in the smoking policy

  • Smoking ban policies might flip back and forth as new Boards are elected and the majority votes for a new/different smoking policy than the previous Board
Last week, I followed up with Mr. Gartner on the new law and he said that he has several clients (condo buildings) considering implementing a smoking ban and so far is not aware of any legal challenges or considerations that would change the opinions he shared last year when the bill was approved.
Please use the comments section or email me if you are in an Association that has taken advantage of this new law or is planning to!
If you’d like to discuss buying, selling, investing, or renting, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].
If you’d like a question answered in my weekly column or to discuss buying, selling, renting, or investing, please send an email to [email protected].
Video summaries of some articles can be found on YouTube on the Ask Eli, Live With Jean playlist.
Eli Tucker is a licensed Realtor in Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland with RLAH Real Estate, 4040 N Fairfax Dr #10C Arlington VA 22203. (703) 390-9460.


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